Course Overview
A FREE self paced Yoga course This course has been developed for students who would like a taster of the Yogic teachings beyond Asanas (postures) that we provide within our certified courses such as the 200HR YTT. Included: > Short theoretical videos > Downloadable PDF's > Interesting Insights + class discussion > Support + mentorship from Yoga training facilitators > Life time access > Downloadable App > Option to study more + complete qualifications Course Topics: Yin - Intro to Yin Yoga - How to practice Yin Yoga - Discovering the Yin Yang Symbol - The Tattvas (principles) + self practice Vinyasa - Intro to Vinyasa Yoga - History + influence of Vinyasa Yoga - Intro to Yoga Philosophy + the pathways of Yoga - Intro to critical thinking + embodying Philosophical concepts
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